Naval submarine
Naval submarine

naval submarine

No, I mean that’s a real serious problem. Keeping with the real serious stuff, any horror stories about the toilets backing up? This isn’t something I’ve heard, I’m just curious about it. Navy photo by Petty Officer 1st Class Ace Rheaume) Los Angeles-class fast-attack submarine USS Cheyenne (SSN 773) transits in close formation as one of 40 ships and submarines representing 13 international partner nations during Rim of the Pacific 2016. Guys will be guys, so you’ll have someone run through and open all of the curtains all at once just because. In the rack, my feet are touching the bulkhead, my head is touching the other bulkhead, and there really isn’t a whole lot of privacy, but if you see the curtain rockin, don’t come a knocking. These are about 6-foot, 2-inches in length. These are all really narrow coffin racks.

naval submarine

What you do is called hot-racking, which is three guys to every two beds and we say “it’s not gay, if you’re under way.” So you’re constantly switching out, so when one guy gets out of the rack it’s your turn to jump into the rack and all that’s separating the world is a little curtain that goes over your rack. Sometimes the rack that you’re in is right next to a torpedo. Every square inch of space is taken up, so sometimes you’ll be sleeping next to a crate of eggs.

naval submarine

You’ve got a bunch of guys, it’s the military, young dudes, where do you go for a little bit of private time and is that even possible? By “private time” I’m beating around the bush here, but you can probably guess what I’m talking about (masturbation).

Naval submarine