The Bad Lieutenant, I Spit on Your Grave, Highlander, Flash Gordon, Conan, RoboCop, Friday The 13th, The Dirty Dozen, Escape From New York and Plan 9 From Outer Space. Just off the top of my head I can think of: conspiracies in mainstream adventure films such as Capricorn One (978). Probably never, but seriously, how many remakes have been announced lately? The sequel to Night of the Living Dead (968), Dawn set four human survivors. However, I have to ask: When will all these remakes end? The 1977 film The Incredible Melting Man opened with contemporary astronauts having made it.

3 comments Sitting Duck says: Maat 12:31 pm. The new film has been penned by Peter Buchman, who wrote Steven Soderbergh's (possible) two-part Che Guevara pic. Capricorn One emerged as a product of a time when Watergate proved that people in power could shocker lie to cover their own butts. Irish director John Moore (The Omen, Flight of the Phoenix, Behind Enemy Lines) is to remake the classic 1978 space conspiracy thriller Capricorn One. I really enjoyed the original film, and I like Moore's work in Behind Enemy Lines and Phoenix (I can't bring myself to watch The Omen though) so I think that this could be a neat film and a pretty decent remake. Moore seems to have a love of remakes (and the desert), having previously helmed remakes of The Omen and The Flight of the Phoenix. At Cape Canaveral, Florida on the morning of 4 Jan, NASA readies the spacecraft Capricorn One, the first manned mission to Mars, for launch. The dialogue sometime sounds a bit overly-stylized at times, however, that is also part of the movie’s charmalternating.
#Capricorn one sequel movie#
In 1977, post-Vietnam/Watergate America thought it had reached the apex of cynicism ( oh, such innocent bygone days ), and the movie plays directly into that vibe. But let's see if we can help him out with casting suggestions: I'm going to go with the obvious and suggest Josh Brolin for James Brolin, and Jessica Simpson for OJ Simpson to get you started.Soon Brolin, Waterston and Simpson are on the run (some things never change) fighting for their lives in the desert, while Gould is trying to nail the story of the century.įellow Irishman John Moore will direct the film. The tone of Capricorn One is very much of its time. It's an intriguing prospect, and while Moore hasn't had the best run of luck recently he's one of Hollywood's best casual swearers so deserves the benefit of the doubt. As one of the Apollo astronauts interviewed in In The Shadow of the Moon noted, "we went to the Moon nine times. The other two astronauts would have been found alive. In chapter one, the first mission of the Empires new ship and. Answer (1 of 3): It was one of the best thrillers that had me on the edge of my seat. When the first manned flight to Mars is deemed unsafe and scrubbed on the launch pad, anxious authorities must scramble to save face and retain their funding - and so an unthinkable plot to fake the mission is hatched.

Incidentally, fact fans, the original was said to be inspired by that old chestnut about the Apollo missions being faked. Legendary creator John Byrne presents a special two-part sequel to his first Star Trek tale. With Elliott Gould, James Brolin, Brenda Vaccaro, Sam Waterston. This one will have the same plot, but this is an "updated" and "reimagined" version of the story, from Che screenwriter Peter Buchman. The original starred Elliot Gould, James Brolin and OJ Simpson as astronauts forced to fake a mission to Mars when their original mission is scrubbed just hours before launch. I was never one to doubt the moon landing actually took place exactly as they’ve always said it did.

And now, having just finished production on the upcoming Max Payne, he's returning to the world of remakes with the news that he'll direct a remake of 70s space-conspiracy thriller Capricorn One. Since the success of thriller Behind Enemy Lines, he's given us less-than-totally-successful remakes of Flight of the Phoenix and The Omen. Capricorn One is a 1978 British-produced American thriller film in which a reporter discovers that a supposed Mars landing by a crewed mission to the planet. Director John Moore hasn't had a great run of luck in Hollywood of late.